Commission Inquires and Questions

There are a few questions to think about before filling out the commission form. To create your custom commission please follow the guide to help you get started for what type of piece you are wanting to have created.

If you still have questions after going through the guide, not to worry. Fill out as much as the commission form as possible and please let me know what questions or concerns you might have regarding the piece you are interested in having created.

Size and Subject Matter: Customizing a piece is a such an exciting process so let’s get started! There are so many sizes to choose from so here is a guide of some of the most popular sizes are a 9”x12”, 11”x14”, 16”x20”, 18”x24” and a 24”x30”. Please note other sizes are available.

Medium: I offer two mediums when it comes to creating a piece. I offer pastel and oil paintings. My oil portraits start at $385 for smaller works and my pastel portraits start at $300 for smaller works. Please note that pastel pieces must be framed with glass and matted.

Inspiration and Pictures: For my animal portraits, I work from pictures taken by you or photos that you have permissions to use. I can work with several photos and combine different components of light and color from each image to acquire the portrait.

If your beloved pet has passed away and you don't have many high-resolution images, please message me. I have done several portraits of beloved pets that have passed and worked with the photos to create a portrait. 

For landscape paintings if you have pictures you have taken on a trip or have an idea of what you would like please fill out the form with ideas of the piece you might have in mind.

Commission Inquiry